  • 字級大小

Educational Objectives



Educational Objectives
        To cultivate up-to-date professional Japanese experts who are equipped with professional skills and knowledge in both Japanese and English language proficiency, and with international competitiveness and comparable creativity.



Core Competence
1. To cultivate students with listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating abilities of Japanese language.
2. To cultivate students with humanity and moral integrity, as well as the ability of social-economic and cultural understanding.
3. To cultivate students with abilities of translation, and professional skills in economy and trade.
4. To cultivate students with logical and independent thinking ability.




Four-year College Program

Two-year supplementary-college

Five-year Junior  College

  • To be equipped with language proficiency and capacity of communicating in Japanese.
  • To pass the Japanese Language Level Examination required by the Department.
  • To understand the history, geography and culture of Japan.
  • To understand the law, economy, and current affairs of Japanese society.
  • To acquire professional Japanese proficiency which suits the need for working in various careers such as translation, business, tourism and Japanese language teaching.
  • To obtain logical and independent thinking ability.
  • To cultivate the abilities of self-learning and continuing learning.
  • To obtain logical and independent thinking ability.
  • To cultivate the abilities of self-learning and continuing learning.
  • To obtain logical and independent thinking ability.